Experience Counts

Start Me Up!
Startups - It's our middle name.
For nearly three decades, we have assisted hundreds of startups - probably more than everyone else put together.
Some of our more famous startups: Melaleuca, USANA, Quorum, BodyWise, Shaperite, Kaire, Network 2000, Envion, Matol, MLM divisions for Home Shopping Network, ServiceMaster, Fuller Brush...
The Business World Looks To Us...
We've been interviewed by and written for the best:
Direct Selling News (more than once), Inc., Money, Atlantic Monthly, Kiplinger's Personal Finance, Entrepreneur, Business Start-Ups, Success, Wealth Building, Success from Home, Money Maker's Monthly, Home Office Computing, Upline, Family Circle, Home Business, Direct Sales Legaline...
Educating the Industry
Conference Sponsor:
~Starting and Running the Successful MLM Company
~University of Texas Academic Conference
~Lecturer at Numerous DSA and MLMIA Conferences
At the Crossroads of Policy
~The DSA - Lawyer's Council, Government Relations Committee, Internet Task Force
~The MLMIA - Legal Counsel, Board of Directors
~ABA - Litigation Section, Antitrust Section
~Oregon State Bar - Chairman, Committee on Judicial Administration
A Library of Books
Yes, we authored:
~The Network Marketer's Guide to Success
~The Tax Guide for MLM/Direct Selling Distributors
~The MLM Corporate Handbook
~Network Marketing: Window of Opportunity
~And chapters in numerous industry works and textbooks.
Around The World And Beyond
Find our clients on earth, in cyberspace and from satellite in outerspace -
~Operating in more than 130 countries
~Headquartered from Japan to New York, to Paris to Korea, to L.A. to China...
~Millions of distributors
~Billions in sales
Lawyer to the Lawyers
Author of educational articles on network marketing in official State Bar Journals:
~New Mexico
Contributor to proposed legislation in the U.S. and Canada.
The Rich and Famous
Billion dollar legends have tapped our expertise:
~Team National
~Discovery Toys
~Cell Tech
~Fuller Brush
Articles, Articles, Articles
Some of the hundreds of authoritative articles on network marketing by Jeffrey A. Babener: